There are multiple spring plant sales in the St. Louis area. Here are a few specializing in natives and pollinators:
pre-order online by the Tuesday before delivery or shop in-person:
Saturdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24, and May 1, 22, 29
Kirkwood Farmers Market
150 East Argonne, Kirkwood MO 63122
Selling Missouri wildflowers, grasses, trees, shrubs, vines, groundcovers, seeds
Conservation at Home & Garden Spring Sale by Heartlands Conservancy
order online: March 15 - April 22
pick up: Saturday, May 8, 1-4pm
Swansea Clinton Hills Conservation Park
1524 Clinton Hills Pkwy, Swansea, IL 62226
Selling native flowers, aquatic plants, grasses, groudcover plugs, trees, and shrubs.
8th Annual Spring Herb Sale by The St. Louis Herb Society
order online: April 9-16, while supplies last
pick up: Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1
Missouri Botanical Garden parking lot
4344 Shaw Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63110
Selling more than 150 different varieties of herbs and pollinator plants.
Shaw Wildflower Pickup by Shaw Nature Reserve
order online: April 15-27, while supplies last
pick up: May 8, 9am-1pm
Shaw Nature Reserve
307 Pinetum Loop Rd, Gray Summit, MO 63039
Selling native plants from multiple vendors. Ordering info will be posted as the event gets closer.
Proceeds support the Nature Reserve's ongoing native plant horticulture, ecological restoration, and environmental education programs.
Annual Herb Sale by the Webster Groves Herb Society
masked and socially distant in-person shopping: Saturday, May 8, 8:30am-Noon
First Congregational Church of Webster Groves
10 W Lockwood Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119
Selling culinary, ornamental, and medicinal herbs.
Free admission and parking.
Selling ulinary, ornamental, and medicinal herbs.
St. Louis-area Native Plant Sale by Grow Native!
pre-order and in-person shopping
Saturday, May 15, 10am - noon
World Bird Sanctuary, 125 Bald Eagle Ridge Road, Valley Park, MO 63088
Vendors include:
Gaylena’s Garden
River City Natives
Ozark Soul
Papillon Perennials
River City Natives, LLC
More details about pre-ordering as the event gets closer.
If you know of any more sales, please let me know and I'll add them to the list!